Kvarttis - " My Page" is a service where registered users can easily and quickly create their own website.
- So simple that anybody can create and maintain their own website
- It can be used by small businesses, private persons or any other type of organization
- Everybody can share something, a skill or resource, for free or to an affordable cost
- Our support take care of all technical stuff, so you do not bother about upgrades and maintenance!
- My Page can be tagged to different categories on the Kvarttis Marketplace and thus specific audience
- User can associate their own domain name with their page on Kvarttis
- My Page is evolving and will be able to fulfill needs of small businesses or organizations
Green Catalysator IT AB
Sweden (Headquarter)
Other locations
- Ambika Corner, 3rd Cross Road,
- East of NGEF Layout,
- Kasturi Nagar,
- Bengaluru, Karnataka
- Yerevan
- © 2024 Green Catalysator IT AB. All rights reserved