Kvarttis Event is a service where registered users can have a planned public event of sale/gathering for many purposes. The event can also be tagged to different categories on Kvarttis Marketplace for targeted exposure. Other users can register for the event in different ways and the event owner can follow up.
The Events are also appearing at Internet.
Visit: https://event.kvarttis.se/
Examples of how to use Events:
- Some neighbors decide to have a garage sale. One person creates an Event for this and those that wants to participate can join. Users can also create specific Ads for more valuable things and associate the ads to the Event.
- Some neighbors decide to share tools and other machines. One person creates an Event for this and those that wants to participate can join. The users create specific Ads for what they lend out or want to borrow then associate the ads to the Event. Members in the Event see what equipment they can borrow and who to contact. The Event owner can also create a “MyPage” to set up rules etc and from the “Mypage” users can get to the Events and Ads.
- A group of chili lovers want to have a fair / exhibition. One person creates an Event and other can participate with their plants.
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