Kvarttis Marketplace is a service where registered users can interact and agree on different trades, such as buy-sell a product or service.
Visit: https://kvarttis.se/

Kvarttis Marketplace is not like other marketplaces. We have a different purpose. We want to counteract the "Tear and throw away" mentality and work for a sustainable society.
We want people to meet and socialize more and therefore have some 'odd' categories for social activities and lifestyle.
Our services are initially category-based and if you are missing a category, just contact us and we will see what we can do. |
Green Catalysator IT AB
Sweden (Headquarter)
Other locations
- Ambika Corner, 3rd Cross Road,
- East of NGEF Layout,
- Kasturi Nagar,
- Bengaluru, Karnataka
- Yerevan
- © 2024 Green Catalysator IT AB. All rights reserved